December 5th, 2020 | Published in Aven
Disaster risk reduction-based development plan planned by local governments also require the involvement of other entities.
Disaster management policy in Indonesia is regulated primarily through Law No. 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Management, Government Regulation no. 21 of 2008 on the Implementation of Disaster Management and government regulations and president regulation derived from Law No. 24 of 2007. Implementation of disaster management at the central and regional levels will require coordination with all sectors and the public. The division of roles between stakeholders on disaster risk reduction will also be a thing that is really needed in disaster risk reduction efforts in the regional level.
In Aceh, some strengthening of disaster management regulation and integration of disaster risk reduction programs have been implemented since 2010. One of them is through cooperation between Karst Aceh and the International Organization for Migration (IOM-USAID) under “Technical Expertise and Assistance on Support to GIS Training, Risk Mapping and DM Plan in Bener Meriah and Aceh Singkil Districts “. In the implementation, this activity has managed to actualize the risk maps to become the basis for disaster risk reduction-based regional planning , such as the Disaster Management Plan and Contingency Plan that is reinforced by the the Bupati regulations. However, this potential has not synergized with leadership in the region. Improvement in leadership disaster risk reduction based leadership is still needed to strengthen the efficiency of regulations and integration risk reduction programs into development plans.
On the other hand, disaster risk reduction-based development plan planned by local governments also require the involvement of other entities. One of the entities that should play an active role is the business or company. Both of these entities have a social responsibility for the welfare of the people within its working areas. It is set into a mechanism called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Integration of disaster risk reduction into the company’s CSR programs should be started immediately. This can be done by raising the awareness, capacity and political bargaining power of local governments by encouraging businesses and companies to change the orientation of the strategic policies in the region to engage and work closely with the business / company within the framework of achieving the disaster risk reduction-based development planning.
Meanwhile, for people who are on the front lines and deal directly with the threat of disaster, they need to be involved in the programs to strengthen their sustainable capacity to achieve a resilient village. This will be achieved in the presence of synergy between plans and local regulations with a plan of action in the community. Assistance with the action plans at the community level is expected to increase the empowerment of the community in understanding the potential, threat, vulnerability, capacity related to specific disaster threats, and formulate it in an effective and participatory disaster risk reduction. Assistance given to communities in implementing the action plan in response to this disaster must remain coordinated with BPBDs and DRR forums at the district or provincial level, especially action plans that promote the reduction of vulnerability to vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, the elderly, the poor, and the disabled.
Other activities that are necessary to realize the preparedness in the area is a hospital and health resources in it. According to the Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI), strengthening preparedness of hospitals and health resources in early warning systems and evacuation routes in the current hospital is not really get attention, so there are still many hospitals that do not have emergency coordination system. In fact, hospital preparedness becomes important because in addition to its function as the key of health service in the event of a disaster, the hospital is also a facility in which there is mobility distribution of vulnerable groups scattered in almost every room. preparedness and early warning systems in hospitals that work together in a hospital emergency coordination system consisting of standard operational procedure in the hospital emergency disaster, activities and key actors, and hospital evacuation route that included a temporary evacuation and evacuation safe are very needed.
According to BPS data, the province has 23 hospitals that are owned by local governments, 12 privately and companies owned, and 3 belong to the military / police. From a total of 38 hospitals located in Aceh, less than 1% of hospitals that already have evacuation routes and emergency coordination systems. It is very worrying where in fact some hospitals located in the area of disaster risk. Two of them are Child and Mother Hospital and Dental Hospital in Banda Aceh which are located at tsunami-prone area. In some district hospitals are also located in the area of disaster risk which is prone to land and forest fires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and technology failures. The facilitation of Emergency coordination system for hospitals in Aceh which can certainly improve preparedness and early warning that is coordinated with BPBA, BPBDs, Department of Health and the owner of the local government, Army, Police, and private hospitals.
Another issue faced is the lack of research utilization by higher education institutions in reducing disaster risks. Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in research is urgently needed, especially in areas with a high level of insecurity. To that end, efforts to involve university/college to develop research and disseminate the results through scientific seminars and publications in reputable scientific journals are needed.
Therefore, some efforts to increase regional’s preparedness in the disaster management are needed:
- Increase the capacity and provide reference to stakeholders and actors of disaster management in the disaster prone areas so that they can perform planned, integrated, coordinated and comprehensive disaster management.
- Provide strategic policy platform of engagement and partnerships with the businesses to achieve a disaster risk reduction based development plan.
- Support the resilience of health sector in disaster risk reduction efforts in the regional level
- Creating a more peaceful society and to create a safety culture at community level on pilot project sites.
- Empower universities to be able to facilitate capacity building for disaster management and develop their knowledge on disaster issues in the regional level.