Contingency plan seminar in Aceh Singkil
June 18th, 2014 | Published in Chamber
Contingency plan seminar in Aceh Singkil
Contingency plan seminar in Aceh Singkil was held on October 22, 2013 which was attended by 25 people. They were representatives of BPBD Singkil, Aceh Singkil Police Dept. representatives, Military representatives of KODIM Singkil, Representative of subDistrict Head, RAPI, SATGAS SAR, PMI, NGO, PT PLB ASTRA (Palm Oil Company), BAPPEDA, DISDIK, DINSOS, Government Building Agency (Dinas PU), DINKES, DISHUB, DISHUTBUN, etc. These seminar activities included the delivery of topic on the concepts and the process of the making of Contingency Plan which is needed by the Government of Aceh Singkil district in flood disaster management. The resource person, Muchsin Shafi from Aceh Disaster Management Agency, delivered his topic on contingency plan in the perspective of preparedness. The lesson learnt of simulation conducted by Karst Aceh was also presented after the film screening of volcano eruption simulation in Bener Meriah. It is expected that participants could learn how to do integrated simulation as one of the implementation of contingency plan. Another expectation is that the establishment of good relationship and network among the relevant parties working on DRR issues.
The Outcome of this Activity as follows:
- Participants who were representatives of government agencies and non-governmental agencies in Aceh Singkil understood the concepts and processes in the making o Flood Contingency Plan Document.
- Shared understandingamong government agenciesandnon-governmental organizations of the efforts ofthe flood disaster management in Aceh Singkil.
- Simulation is an important thing in a contingency plan.
- In determining evacuation routes, these three main principles should be taken into consideration:
- Prioritizing vulnerable groups.
- Journeyto and from the evacuation place isfree from major hazard and the hazard of aftershocks.
- Sinergizing with other parties.