Integrate GIS for disaster risk map in the district’s technical team
May 30th, 2014 | Published in Chamber
will refer to the issues related to the production of risk map of BNPB standards
Training was held for 25 participants in each of the district, opened by the head of each district. In Bener Meriah, the event was opened by the District Secretary and in Aceh Singkil was opened by Vice Bupati. In preparation of the training, Karst Aceh has produced modules which were appreciated by the IOM by assisting in printing them in better quality. Modules consisting of module for basic level and Advanced level module which were also used by other IOM partners working in Southeast Aceh and Simelue. Trainers in the training are competent trainers and have experience for more than 5 years. Ahyar as the primary trainer and Abdillah as the co-trainer facilitated the participants to achieve the required competencies. Requirements set have become strength that the training went well.
Passing grade of the training is ? 60 for a basic level training and ? 50 for advanced level training. Karst set indicators for the participants that can integrate training results into disaster planning, in particular disaster risk mapping were those who had avarage of ? 70 from both basic and advanced level training.
Karst Aceh was using QGIS 1.8 Lisboa software in GIS training, Basic and Advanced levels. Participants known to have had experience using other GIS softwares. Most participants were also known to be members of the GIS Unit of BAPPEDA in Bener Meriah and Aceh Singkil district. The basic level GIS training aimed at improving trainee’s ability to produce a map, including:
- GIS concept
- Coordinate and survey system
- Installing QGIS 1.8 Lisboa
- Basic QGIS
- QGIS tools
- Georeference
- Adding in spatial data into QGIS
- QGIS Browser
- How to make point, line, andpoligon
- Symbologydan Labelling
- Editing spatialand attribute data
- Downloading GPS data
- Producing and layout the map
- Test Case
Mapping will be used by the participants to be analyzed in advanced training. This analysis will refer to the issues related to the production of risk map of BNPB standards. Advanced GIS training has been conducted which focused on using required advanced functions in analyzing the existing maps.
The advanced training consisted of practicing to use advanced analysis tools, which include:
- Introduction to Googgle Maps
- Downloading maps from Googgle Maps
- Advance Editing
- Spatial Analysis
- DEM and Terrain Analysis
- Test Case: Advance Editing, Spatial dan Terrain Analysis
Karst Aceh used Garmin GPS for ground check mapping training. Some participants have had experience using GPS, but they did not have experience using various types of GPS provided by Karst. Training was focused on GPS applications including:
Sources of Error: Data and weather accuracy
Metadata: Maintaining data
Data Collection and processing, including understanding of:
- Satellite
- GPS Receiver
- Datum
- Projection
- Units of Measure
- Downloading dan processing GPS data
- Editing data
- Post-Processing
Outcome of Activity 1
Based on the analysis of monitoring and evaluation, there were outcomes that exceeded expectations and outcomes that could not be achieved. 47 participants (85%) passed the basic level training; 38 participants (80%) passed advanced level training, and 18 participants (33%) were able to integrate GIS into the scope of the disaster which did not achieved the expectation (35%).
From engagement to form disaster risk reduction- based paradigm as expected that is the role of government and non-government in disaster management, It was found that government involvement was 86% and non-government agencies was 14%. From the results obtained, the involvement of non-governmental institutions in training is still required. From the results of a basic level of training, participants from government had greater passing grade than non-government participants, but at the advanced level training, the result was quite the opposite.The passing grade for the Integration of the results of participants from government agencies was higher in percentage than non government participants.
The percentage of involvement and the passing grade per institution can be seen in the following graph:
The outcome of integration which is still less than 2% due to participants who must carry out the tasks assigned by the head of institution so that they could not attend the training effectively. The implementation of this training was also at the same time with the implementation of the District Musrembang, so some agency staffs could not come to the training. This has influenced some requirements set out in the training.
In the outcome of topics expected to be achieved by the trainees, it was in category of good and very good for the whole topics. Data analysis showed that participants in Bener Meriah were in good category for understanding the topics related to coordinate system (80%) and topic that showed very good score was QGIS Browser and symbology and labeling (20%). In Aceh Singkil, Participants showed a very good understanding for two topics which were, QGIS Browser and point Layer, lines and polygons (64%) while GIS concepts (40%) and survey and map layout (36%) were topics that showed very good grade. The results of each participant achievement in Bener Meriah can be seen in graph below.
The outcome per topic in basic training delivered in Bener Meriah showed the average of the very good category (10%), good category (66%), fair (23%) and not satisfactory (1%), while in Aceh Singkil, in the category of very good (27%), good category (53%), fair category (20%) and not satisfactory (30%).
The outcome per topic in advanced training delivered in Bener Meriah showed the average of the very good category (17%), good category (41%), fair (39%) and not satisfactory (2%), while in Aceh Singkil, in the category of very good (25%), good category (58%), fair category (17%) and not satisfactory (0.3%). Each district had 0% for the very unsatisfactory category.
For the criteria in mastering the training topics in the very good and good category, Aceh Singkil had better percentage (80%) compared to Bener Meriah (76%) in Basic training. For advanced training, Aceh singkil also had better percentage (82%) when compared to Bener Meriah (58%). In general, the highest outcome of partcipants’ understanding on training topics showed by participants from Aceh Singkil.
Ground Check Mapping
From the results of the Karst evaluation, it can be concluded that the topics were very well understood by all participants.
Some of the topis that need improvement including downloading GPS data. Overall, participants in Aceh Singkil showed the percentage of good in this training. It can be seen in the case applications, where Aceh Singkil showed higher percentages for good category (72%) while it was only 48% in Bener Meriah. 12% of participants in both districts were in the very good catagory
Women Involvement
In both basic and advanced GIS training, the distribution of the percentage of women’s participation was still low. Of the total participants, the involvement of female participants was only about 14%. The percentage of women’s involvement in training can be seen in Graph below.
A Bupati decree for the Risk Map Technical Team
Karst Aceh recommended participants who achieved good and very good competence to become Disaster Risk Map Technical Team in each district consisting of several parties, including non-government parties. The percentage of each participant’s involvement which showed good competence and joined this team was 60%, or an average of 15 people.